It's Fly Lice You Plick

Monday, October 17, 2005


The blog might go into a bit of a hiatus for the next couple of weeks or so. Our accountant passed away two months back and it's now my duty to automate his job. Problem: I haven't been trained in accountancy. Tasks like this reduce me into an incoherent mass (or at least, moreso). I'd rather not subject you to the side effects of that with disjointed posts and mindless rambling.

In the meantime, I'm going to let you in on a little secret (don't tell my boss). This is the phase 1 of my plan:

The above has been marked on my office calendar. Nobody at work knows what it means but me. I will be tending my resignation on that day. I'll probably hang around for a couple of months because I had agreed to train my successor for at least a month. Also, I need the cash for phase 2 (I'll give you the details some time down the road).

I can't help but giggle like a little schoolgirl whenever the boss looks at my calendar, unaware of the impending trouble ahead. My role here has expanded to such a degree that I don't think the new guy will be able to handle it.