It's Fly Lice You Plick

Monday, October 02, 2006

By the Time You Read This

I'll be on my way home


At 4:01 PM, October 03, 2006, Blogger Big Mama said...

Oh Jon, please don't tell me that my journey is over...*pout*... I love your trip and the pictures and the stories. Oh man! I hope you have a safe trip home (where ever home is now)and please continue your awesome funny posts..please...

At 6:52 AM, October 05, 2006, Blogger Fly Lice You Plick said...

Heya! Yup. I'm home now. The backlog is insane but I'll see if I can get caught up a bit before I find a job. *sigh* Can't say I'm looking forward to work again :P

At 12:11 PM, October 15, 2006, Blogger Big Mama said...

Hey, just checking in to see if you are up and posting or have found a new job or.... well..... anything~~~ LOL!!! Hope to see you up and posting soon, I'm jonesing over here...

At 7:45 PM, October 16, 2006, Blogger Fly Lice You Plick said...


Sorry, been tied up with a few errands, sorting out a few things as I settle back into normalcy. Trying to update when and where I can. I did visit the old office a week ago - it's exactly as I expected. The first thing I heard when I stepped in the building was "Oh my God, Jon come back."

Updates are actually below these two posts because I'm backdating some old entries I'm working on from Vietnam. 4 months behind. ugh.

At 2:31 AM, July 04, 2012, Anonymous natural head lice treatment said...

Heya! Yup. I'm home now. The backlog is insane but I'll see if I can get caught up a bit before I find a job. *sigh* Can't say I'm looking forward to work again :P


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