It's Fly Lice You Plick

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


The boss and I were discussing discrepancies with the company's expense figures when the topic shifted to matters of road rage. I wasn't paying much attention but I think it had something to do with implements one would use while "raging." You know, the kind you keep in the trunk of your car. The ones that inflict "blunt force trauma" and are subsequently discarded in a dumpster like in those crime dramas on tv. He tells me he has a "bullcock" in the back of his truck for such a purpose and asks if I would like to see it. I figure it's just an unfortunately named tool and I graciously decline. The look on his face says it's not a tool, as I had thought. It says "there is an actual, honest to goodness bovine wing wong in the back of my truck and I plan on accosting a fellow human being with it." I guess he finds the indignity of being beat down with a monster schlong on the side of the road hilarious. Actually, it is pretty funny when you think about it...

Seriously though, whatever happened to talking about the weather and the local sports teams?


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