It's Fly Lice You Plick

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

My Desk: A Grand Tour

You can tell a lot about a man's character by the contents of his desk. I think.

1. Pens I've stolen from co-workers.
2. Doodle - "Deathbot 3000"
3. I sketched this on my desk calendar yesterday while M yammered away about his home PC. I don't think he got the point - he visited a few more times later in the day.

4. Bubble wrap - like crack I tells ya.
5. Crumbly Pineapple Cakes. mmmmm
6. Letter opener/prison shiv
7. Key to nowhere. I spent half an hour trying to figure out where it goes. After all that work, I didn't have the heart to throw it out.
8. Paper clip bow (for launching pencils). This was my alternative to Laser Mallet. Laser Mallet won out because I didn't have a pencil sharpener.
9. Sanitary wet napkin. I like to keep one or two of these around considereng all the biohazardous material appearing on my desk lately.
10. Extra large paper clips (hidden in a regular paper clip box). Suckers won't even think to look in there.
11. Misappropriated/Rebranded business cards.
12. Tin of mints (empty).
13. Motivational Ninja vs. Kung Fu Panda.


At 9:25 PM, October 26, 2005, Blogger Fly Lice You Plick said...

I just design stuff when I feel like doing it. Dunno if it'll take off. You can use Molotov if you'd like to start up a shop. I can throw in a couple of designs once in a while.

At 1:22 PM, October 27, 2005, Blogger Fly Lice You Plick said...

A store would be good. I still have that promo ammo box I painted a while back if you need it.

Things are going well for the most part. My stuff is just about all packed up so it's just a matter of moving the stuff over to the new place (and a storage facility) this weekend.

The contest isn't yielding the results that I had expected. Actually, it's not yielding results whatsoever. I wonder why...

Maybe if I get it printed in the Herald...


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