It's Fly Lice You Plick

Monday, October 10, 2005

Co-Workers Gone Wild - Caught on Camera

I've seen these little black bars used in medical literature and Asian newspapers. I wonder if they work. My guess is no.

This is M sneaking up on me last Thursday. I heard him harassing the receptionist so I prepped my camera for his inevitable visit. He usually says one of the following four things when he does this:
  1. "Got any mail?" really loud. I've never had mail. He knows this.
  2. "CAUGHT YOU!!!1shift+1"
  3. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING???!!!"
  4. "BOO!"
He sometimes just stands there and watches me for a couple of minutes (creepy, I know). He loves the reaction. I don't.

So my friend Photoshop says this will be posted in the lunchroom tomorrow.

Oh, and this is NAMBLA, for those of you who are curious.


At 12:13 AM, October 11, 2005, Blogger Fly Lice You Plick said...

Hey hey!

NAMBLA = "North American Man/Boy Love Association"

I added the link to my post if you need more information. I probably won't post the pic for the sake of workplace professionalism. The temptation is there, though.

Doesn't the makeup give him a Gacy-esque look?


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