It's Fly Lice You Plick

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Loose Ends and Miscellany

(fig.1) As requested, this is what a manskirt looks like. I left my face off to avoid potential threat of blackmail: (fig.2) A photo of my anti-leech socks, also by request. The instructions say you have to tuck your pant legs into the top elastic so the leeches can't get in. The white fabric is supposedly thick enough so that they can't bite through. I've heard stories of people coming back from long jungle treks to find their feet black with leeches. I'll take looking like a dork over that any time. On a sidenote, isn't our foot model sexy (except for the mosquito bites)? A quick google search for "peacock tail, wings, body of a cow, Hinduism" reveals that Hot Cow from a couple of posts back is Kamadhenu, the cow of wishes or desires. There’s a nice write up on the topic in Wikipedia.

The third floor of the wet market is just a parkade. Boring but functional.

(fig.3)The state of customer service in Malaysia?
(fig.4)Get your...

(fig.5)I remember using this brand of toothpaste when I was a kid. The brand name has since changed for the sake of political correctness. Try to guess what it was (hint - the 'L' used to be a 'K' and the the company logo is a black guy.

Note:"All Shiny White" formula FTW.


At 6:38 PM, January 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At this rate, you could almost state in your resumé that you were "Studying Engrish Abroad" in 2006.

I don't know what kind of "wishes and desires" Kamadhenu invokes, but after seeing it, you just can't look at a piece of steak the same way ever again....And women? Well...let's just say I "desire" my women to be just women.....No animal or "Y" chromosomes.

Heh...When you were a kid in Malaysia, coloured people were still hassled by the man. Yes massah, Thank you massah..

As per your request from your previous post, I'm giving you the meanings of your name in Thai.

What's spooky is that some of Thai meanings for your name fit you to a "T". I'd be careful using some of the others in the presence of ladies. No offence, dude. I didn't invent Thai. Check 'em out and tell me what you think.

Aww, yeah. If you wanna play it safe in Thailand and go the "John" route, this is what it should have looked like:


The only difference now is that it has that tiny blip above the 3rd character (the "h"). That basically indicates a silent consonant. Without it, it sounds way different and again, ya run into problems...

Okey doke, Jorn

Happy trails

Big Brudder

At 5:26 AM, January 30, 2006, Blogger Fly Lice You Plick said...

Dang, I didn't really expect my name to actually be used in the Thai language. The descriptions are even more surprising. I'm glad it didn't translate to ladyboy.


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