It's Fly Lice You Plick

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


I opened up Outlook to check the company mail first thing this morning and to my horror, this screen popped up:

Of those, only three emails were from legitimate customers.

I googled up a handy spam cost calculator that suggests our company is losing $2275 per annum in employee productivity as a result of all this spam. I would disagree. Spam is costing me $2275 per annum in lost time with my gameboy.

Anyway, this stack of junk mail got me thinking. If I were to use spam as a measure of humanity (I consider its existence a function of society), then I would be led to believe that people are unhealthily fixated on the following items:
  1. Fake Rolexes.
  2. Bukkake, specifically from Bukkake barns
  3. Absconding funds from Nigeria (my finger is pointed directly at you Mrs. Mariam Abacha, wife of the late Gen. Sanni Abacha).
  4. Christian Mortgages (I'm partial to those of the secular variety myself).
  5. Prego teens engaged in activities that got them in that state in the first place (wrong wrong wrong).
  6. Male enhancement pills.
  7. Housewives.
There must be a sizeable market for these products otherwise they wouldn't continue advertising them... right?


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