It's Fly Lice You Plick

Friday, September 30, 2005


I don't know if it's something to do with my outwardly friendly demeanor (I pretend I care) or if I release some type of calming pheromone that makes people a little too comfortable... but my co-workers seem to divulge too much personal information about themselves. Information I really should not be privy to.

Case in point, during my first week here, "D" strolls into my office and starts to introduce himself.

D: "Hi, I'm D."
Jon: "Hi, D. Nice meeting you"
D: "I have MS"
Jon: *taken aback* "Oh...I'm uh... Sorry to hear th-"
D: "I can't feel it when I have sex with my wife."
Jon: *finds out what vomit tastes like*

There were about two more minutes of conversation but he lost me within the span of those three sentences. I feel bad for the guy, I really do, but there must be a better way to fish for sympathy.

I recall spending five minutes out of my lunch hour earlier this year helping M "troubleshoot" the source of a strange odour in his room. It turns out he's got bad gas and his chair needs reupholstering. Classy.

Another conversation with M devolved from talking about Fox cancelling Family Guy to Fox cancelling Dark Angel (it was his favourite show at the time) to Jessica Alba to hiding his adult videos from his mom (behind his Dark Angel tapes) to his favourite scene from said videos in full gory detail (it involves two guys, a girl, a boat and all sorts of things I wouldn't imagine physically possible... or legal for that matter).

These are things you can't take back.


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